Fractal Application Java Code Download Details

1) Create a root directory for all of your Java code.  I'll assume for the sake of having an example, that your root directory is C:\java.

2) Put the Fractal source files in the C:\java\fractal and C:\java\fractal\utils directories.  This can be
done by simply extracting into your C:\java directory.  Java packages are hierarchical in the same way that file system directory structures are hierarchical;  Java package structures must have parallel directory structure.  In this case, there is a fractal package, so we need a fractal directory; there is a fractal.utils package, so we need a fractal\utils directory.

3) If you do not already have the Java Development Kit (JDK) version 1.1.6 (or newer) installed on your system, Install Java Now.  I'll assume that you installed it into a directory named C:\jdk1.1.6.

4) Configure your system's PATH and CLASSPATH evironment variables (if you have not done so already).

Make sure your PATH environment variable has: C:\jdk1.1.6\bin
and that your CLASSPATH environment variable has: C:\java;C:\jdk1.1.6\lib\

Once this is set up right, the Java system will be able to find the fractal package and the classes contained within it.
In general, if your PATH and CLASSPATH environment variables are not set up right, your Java system (JDK) will not work properly. Setting them is a bit different on each platform:

On Windows 95/98:  Open the autoexec.bat file and make sure that:  The PATH variable includes: C:\JDK1.x\bin and the CLASSPATH variable includes: C:\JDK1.x\lib\;C:\java

On Windows NT:  Right click on the My Computer icon, and select 'Properties.' Click on 'Environment.'  The System Properties window appears.  Select PATH from the list of System Variables and ensure that it includes:  C:\JDK1.x\bin  Then select CLASSPATH from the list of System Variables and ensure that it includes: C:\JDK1.x\lib\;C:\java  Then click 'Set.' Then click 'Apply.'

On UNIX and LINUX: Ensure that your 'cshrc' or 'profile' file includes the paths in its PATH and CLASSPATH definitions.  For example, in cshell and bourne shell, there should be lines like the following (additional directory paths can also appear in the parentheses, with spaces separating the paths from one another):  set PATH = (JDK1.x/bin) and set CLASSPATH = (JDK1.x/lib/ java)

5) Compile the java code.  Using a DOS or UNIX shell, go to the directory: C:\java\fractal; type "javac -g *.java"  to compile the .java files (with debug turned on: -g ).  If you have the JDK installed correctly, this will work and will create several .class files, one for each class in the Java files.  Then go to C:\java\fractal\utils and type "javac -g *.java" again.

6) Once you have the .class files in C:\java\fractal, then go to C:\java and type "java fractal.Fractal -w 800 -h 800 -c 1024" to invoke the Java virtual machine and run Fractal.main().  Note that Java uses the . instead of a / or \ for the path name.  You may alter the command line parameters for image size and the number of colors.  You should see some interesting output...

Here's the new Fractal Explorer JavaScript App.
Here's the Fractal Applet Java Source Code.